
DaySchool, Classes, Socials

🐕 Puppy Classes:

A 5-week tail-wagging journey with our Structured Classes, requiring weekly attendance to keep those paws on the path to success! Each session builds upon the last, crafting a consistent routine that champions steady progress and development for both pups and their humans. Ideal for those who thrive on predictability, this program covers all the puppy essentials—from foundational training to tackling common challenges like biting, potty training, and crate training. Choose this if you’re all about a predictable and sequential training adventure!


🐶 Puppy DaySchool: Apply Here

Every day from 8 AM to 4:30 PM,
your pup dives into an immersive training experience. Tailored for puppies to start aged 8 to 13 weeks, this program wraps up obedience training, socialization, and problem-solving exercises into one dynamic package. It’s designed to complement the daily work you do with your puppy, deepening their learning and molding them into a well-behaved, socially adept, and cognitively engaged dog for life. Perfect for owners who want comprehensive training in a structured environment!


🐶 Puppy Socials: Find A Social Here

A 50-minute Puppy Social for dogs aged 8 to 16 weeks offers priceless drop-in moments for your pup to mix and mingle in a controlled setting. These sessions are pivotal in cultivating proper social skills and staving off future behavioral issues. By frolicking with a variety of peers and humans, puppies pick up effective communication and respectful play, laying down the groundwork for positive social interactions that will last a lifetime. Don’t miss out—Puppy Socials are crucial for raising a well-rounded, sociable canine!


🐾 Small Dog Socials: Sign Up

Size does matter when you are a small dog. We understand that the world can feel overwhelming for little ones. Our Small Dog Socials are specially crafted for dogs under 22 lbs (with a little wiggle room allowed), focusing on positive interactions and learning in a supportive environment. We help small dogs develop respect for boundaries, respond to directives, and engage in healthy interactions. It's a place where both pets and their owners can understand and adapt to the challenges faced by smaller breeds, fostering a mutually beneficial relationship.

What Is Considered A Small Dog? Beware Of Imposters!

Small dogs range anywhere from two to 22 pounds in weight. Miniature dogs are on the smaller end of the small dog spectrum, weighing anywhere from three to 12 pounds. Understanding these distinctions is crucial as each size may have unique needs and characteristics.


🐩 Specialty Classes for Continued Education - Dog and Me

Elevate your dog’s training with our Specialty Classes for Continued Education. Designed for specific training objectives, these classes offer a plethora of specialized programs that extend beyond basic obedience. Whether you’re aiming to advance your dog's education, boost their skills, or simply engage in more active and enriching training sessions, there’s something here for every dog. Each class zeroes in on a unique aspect of dog training, ensuring an exciting and fulfilling learning experience for you and your pup.


Unlock Your Puppy's Best Self:

The Power of Socialization and Training at SmartyPup!


Training a puppy begins the moment you bring them home. Everything you do, and don’t do, becomes an "Ah-ha" moment for both you and your puppy, shaping their future.

Lack of experience during the socialization period is just as detrimental as negative experiences. Similarly, just as puppies are vaccinated against diseases during their regular veterinary visits, they also need 'vaccinations' against behavioral issues to ensure a well-rounded development.

Our program starts with engaging, simple, stress-free tasks and progressively advances to greater challenges. 📚 This scientifically-backed approach supports puppies as they mature into well-balanced, socially skilled adult dogs, adept in both human and canine worlds. 🐶

In our programs you're not just training your puppy; you're learning too. Here, you are as much a student as your dog. This journey is about growing together, understanding each other, and forging a bond.

Join us at SmartyPup! and embark on a journey to not only raise good dogs but to cultivate extraordinary companions.

🌟 Unlock the full potential of your dog with SmartyPup!


Dogs learn best when they feel safe, happy and connected to the people training them.

Classes • Socials • DaySchool


All Level Classes • 5 weekly sessions • $350•
9 weeks & up +

  • ✍️ Paw here to sign up

    Designed specifically for young puppies aged 8 to 16 weeks. This class is not just about training your puppy; it's about educating you, the owner, too. With our belief that a smart puppy deserves a well-informed owner, this course is as much for you as it is for your pup.

    Requirements: Age Limit: Puppies up to 16 weeks old.
    Health: First set of vaccinations, including Parvo and Distemper, Bordatella, or as advised by your veterinarian.
    Gear: A flat collar, a 6-foot leash and a Hands-free bait bag for the owner. These items are mandatory

    What the class covers:
    Understanding Play Styles: Learn to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy play behaviors. Management Skills: Tackling biting and mouthing effectively. Foundational Obedience: Key commands like sit, down, stay, drop it, anti-jump, impulse control, and come. Confidence Building: Techniques to boost your pup’s confidence.

    Tarzan Taming: Strategies to manage and mold exuberant puppy energy. Off and On Leash Fun: off-leash playtime should be a part of all training sessions. We want you to be a part of he fun, nit the obstacel to fun.
    Anti-Jump Techniques: Promoting polite interactions.
    Run-Away Prevention: Keeping your dog safe in various environments.

    Location: Sunset: 3119 - Vicente, 94116
    Format: Interactive, in-person sessions. 5 weekly classes, each lasting 50 minutes.
    Investment: $350
    Trainers: To Be Announced

    Includes: Access to class summaries to track progress and achievements 📝.
    ✍️ Paw here to sign up

  • PupDOG 1 course meticulously crafted for pups four months and older, where all breeds are welcomed. If you didn't have the chance to join Puppy 1, don't worry. 🕒 It's never too late. This class is the perfect starting point for adolescent and adult dogs.

    ✍️ Paw Here to Sign Up


    📅 Age: 4 to 18 months (adult dogs may be considered for a refresher course)
    •Health: Current proof of vaccinations required. Ensure your pup is up-to-date with core vaccinations as well as the Bordetella Vaccine, or as recommended by your veterinarian. 💉•Management Tools: Collars, Leashes, Harnesses. We'll use appropriate management tools like Head Collars, Anti-pull Harnesses, and Collars. (Note: No prong or electronic shock collars are allowed in class.) Collars with an ID tag are required.

    In This Class, You and Your Dog Will Learn:

    🌟 Focus and Attention: How to pay attention to you, starting with mild distractions on daily walks and at home.🛑 Basic Commands: The essentials like 'Sit-Stay', 'Down', 'Stay', 'Don't Touch', 'Come here'! 🐕‍🦺 Loose-Leash Walking: Heel Work and Working towards exciting but controllable walks. To walk calmly by your side, no pulling! 📣 Foundation Recall Training: To come when called, within 30 feet. around mild distractions. 🚫 Impulse Control: 'Don't Touch' and other self-control exercises for a well-behaved dog. 🙏🏼 Dog Walk and Park Etiquette: Tips to be the well-behaved star of the dog walk and park. 😎


    •Location: 3119 Vicente - In-Person Training•Duration: 5 weekly sessions, 5o minutes each•Cost: $350.00•Trainers: Expert guidance from our skilled trainers•Includes: Comprehensive support documents for your training journey

  • Have you noticed your once obedient puppy suddenly forgetting their training? Are they ignoring you, only listening selectively, or reacting unexpectedly to everyday stimulus, like kids and paper bags? This can be baffling and frustrating for any dog owner. But guess what? Welcome to the teenage years!

    ✍️ Paw Here to Sign Up
    Puppy 2 is where we navigate the challenging but crucial adolescent phase of your dog's development. At around 5 to 6 months, your dog enters adolescence, a time marked by hormonal changes and significant brain development. This period shapes their decision-making and emotional responses, often making training a challenge. So, no they are not being stubborn, that pubescent!

    Prerequisites: Graduation from pupDOG 1 or Puppy 1

    •Age: 4 months and up.
    •Bring: Your Dog 😜! They must wear a Collar with ID Tag
    •A 6-foot leash
    •A mat or towels for your puppy to learn to settle on
    •A hands-free reward pouch, also known as "a bait bag".. We recommend the ClickerCompany bait bag. LINK. These bags are also available at some local pet stores, on Amazon and Chewy

    Our classes focus on reinforcing commands and proofing them in the face of these new adolescent behaviors. We understand the emotional and developmental changes your pup is going through and tailor our training to address these unique challenges.
    ✍️ Paw Here to Sign Up

  • Improve your dogs heeling, recall and stays - this is a fast paced class meant to improve your handling skills which in turn improves your dog's reliability. Perfect the basics using drill exercises to accomplish better heeling, recalls, stays, focus, and attention.

    What the class covers

    Fade the food from your hands and all those repeated requests.

    Two minute down stays....Long Stays and Crazy Distractions - Focus, focus, focus. No matter what, you need your dog to be able to focus.
    COME - like abdominal exercises, you gotta do lots of reps in order to see results!
    Heeling - for longer distances and around distraction.
    Impulse Control. impulse control and more impulse control!

    Paw Here To Sign Up

  • 🐾 Obedience 123 Class - Enhance Your Dog's Obedience Skills 🐶

    Designed to refine and perfect your dog's obedience training, this workshop builds on skills from SmartyPup! courses.

    👥 Ideal for Pup Parents Who:

    - 🎓 Have graduated or are attending Puppy 1, 2, or 3 and want to refine handling skills and dog's compliance.
    - 🕒 Are between Puppy 1 and subsequent classes, seeking additional practice.
    - 🧠 Want to practice and verify their knowledge.
    - 🏆 Enjoy challenging yet rewarding training experiences.
    - 🤝 Believe in the power of teamwork with their dog.

    📅 Flexible Enrollment
    - 📝 "Drop-in" sign-ups, from a week to a day in advance.
    - 🐕‍🦺 Suitable for various skill levels.

    🚀 Class Highlights

    - 🌈 Fun, effective, and interactive sessions.
    - 🔍 Focus on 1-3 behaviors per session, rotating weekly.
    - 📚 Multi-level exercises, tailored to your dog's stage.

    🎯 Training Focus Areas

    - 🧐 Attention and Focus
    - 🏃‍♂️ Recall Training (Come)
    - 🐾 Heeling
    - 🚶‍♂️ Loose Leash Walking (Anti-pull)
    - 🚫 Stay (in distracting environments)
    - 🤚 Anti-Jump/Manners
    - 🍖 Don't Touch/Impulse Control
    - 📏 Distance Commands - Sit, Down, Wait

    📜 Requirements

    - ✔️ Must have completed at least one SmartyPup! course.
    - 🐕 Minimum age: 5 months.
    - 😊 Dogs must be friendly towards people and other dogs.

  • Understanding the Developmental Sweet Spot

    Our age restrictions for puppy classes are grounded in an understanding of canine development, ensuring every puppy benefits maximally from our programs.

    The Critical Window for Socialization

    Puppies have a critical socialization period between 3 and 12 weeks of age. During this time, their little minds are incredibly receptive to new experiences, and positive encounters can shape their temperament and behavior for life. This is the golden window for social bonding and learning. Your breeder or rescue was responsible for the 3 to 8 week period and now you are responsible for the 8 to 12 week period especially.

    Starting Off on the Right Paw

    To make the most of this period, we recommend young puppies begin classes at 8 weeks of age and no later than 12 weeks old - when they are mentally and emotionally prepared to absorb and engage with their environment, peers, and humans.

    Class Dynamics and Age Compatibility

    Our classes align with your pup's developmental stages. Puppies over 16 weeks old enter a different phase of growth, displaying varied mental and motor skills. That's why we tailor classes to ensure your puppy learns with peers of similar age and ability.

    For those budding pups over 16 weeks, we have specially designed the PupDOG 1 class. This program is crafted with an understanding that older puppies have distinct learning styles and social needs. PupDOG 1 provides an environment that respects their developmental stage and harnesses their burgeoning abilities.

    By engaging in PupDOG 1, your growing companion will learn alongside peers, ensuring that every lesson is as impactful as it is enjoyable. This encourages a more harmonious learning environment and allows for an age-specific curriculum that addresses the unique needs of your growing pup.

    Journeying Together

    Whether your dog is is a tiny tot or a juvenile, SmartyPup! offers a class that fits just right - guiding you through the crucial stages of puppyhood, ensuring your pup grows into a well-adjusted and sociable member of the family.

    Enroll now and take the first step towards a lifetime of companionship and joy with your puppy at SmartyPup! Puppy Training School and Preschool.


Social Hour • Puppy Playdate. 60min. $30. • 9 TO 16 Weeks

  • ✍️ Paw here to sign up

    Our Puppy Socials provide a foundation for young puppies to build vital social skills. These sessions are a blend of playtime, trust-building, and exposure to different environments, promoting adaptabili🐩🐩ty and resilience. It's a crucial step in your puppy's journey to becoming a well-socialized and confident adult dog.
    ✍️ Paw here to sign up

  • ✍️ Paw here to sign up

    Size does matter when you are a small dog."
    We understand that the world can feel overwhelming for little dogs. Our Small Dog Socials focus on positive interactions and learning in a supportive environment. We help small dogs develop respect for boundaries, respond to directives, and engage in healthy interactions. It's a place for both pets and their owners to understand and adapt to the challenges faced by smaller breeds, fostering a mutually beneficial relationship.

  • 🌎 Puppy Workshop
    In a 90 minute group setting, you and puppy will learn Life Skills.

    This includes early prevention of behavior problems, crate training, housebreaking, handling, settling, Q&A, socialization, desensitization. Each class includes play sessions, Q&A time, anti-jump practice, and basic management.

    Crate Training and playpen - home alone training; sleeping through the night, extinguishing distress vocalization.

    Furniture Rules-are you ON or are you OFF? Tethering - Safety first, I can't catch my puppy!

    Chewing - toy training (entertaining self/settling down).

    The Blink Factor – never let your pup run free in the house.

    Relaxed Puppy - I can settle on my own and dont mind being on my own

    Food puzzle toys

    Mental & Physical Challenges for a smart, happy tired puppy
    I can entertain myself and am ok being alone

    OUCH! Hey that hurts! Don't do that!

    •Soft Mouth before 12 weeks!

    •Play time with pup - schedule time for play and practice Mouthing during play - use toy exercise for teaching proper play with feedback for illegal bites.
    •Hand feeding meals and treats - Taking food and items gingerly (self control)
    •Feedback for hard bites – “Time Outs” and verbal feedback, etc.
    •Taking things only on request

    I CAN be friendly with You, Your Friends, the Vet and the Groomer
    •Aggression Prevention and Handling is•Object exchanges (aggression prevention)•Food bowl•People items - kleenex, underwear,•Handling – examining, vet visit,•Different positions- you will have to remove a flea, tick or burr from your dogs body one day...learn how to do it stress free!•Food around other dogs - dog/dog aggression prevention

    I Like surprises, new people and new adventures!

    •Socialization — I am confident in my surrounding=•People•Sounds•Sights•On leash •Outside walks (when possible)•I have good manners and can say Please and thank you

    Basic Training Impulse Control — I can wait for the things I want
    •Teach me what I should not touch.•I wont run from you if you need to catch me.•Give/drop it•Waiting for what I want – (food, toys, attention, access, release…)•Don’t touch (management-do not give puppy access to the things you do not want him to have)

  • OUCH! Hey That Hurts! Don’t do that!

    Just like babies use their hands and mouths to explore, puppies use their mouths. They grab and mouth and want to feel everything they see. This exploratory behavior is essential for the healthy development of a gentle, well-adjusted dog.

    One of the joys of having a puppy is playing with it! Unfortunately, many of us hold back because the puppy bites, and we're cautioned against encouraging biting. However, the dog's honest truth is: The best way to teach a puppy to have a soft mouth and eventually stop biting altogether is to first teach them to bite softly, and then reduce jaw pressure gradually. read more…. Puppy Biting - How to Play with Your Puppy

  • Why is My Puppy Biting Me? Because It's a Puppy!

    Just like babies use their hands and mouths to explore, puppies use their mouths. They grab and want to feel everything they see. This exploratory behavior is essential for the healthy development of a gentle, well-adjusted dog.

    One of the joys of having a puppy is playing with it! Unfortunately, many of us hold back because the puppy bites, and we're cautioned against encouraging biting. However, the dog's honest truth is: The best way to teach a puppy to have a soft mouth and eventually stop biting altogether is to first teach them to bite softly, and then reduce jaw pressure gradually.

    Play with your pup! Why?

    So you can provide immediate feedback like “Hey, OUCH, that hurts!” We want to communicate: When you bite me, playtime stops, and I leave the room. Not forever, just for about 10 seconds. Repeat this at least 10 times or until you see a noticeable change in the biting behavior.

    Training Steps”PPPBS - Proactive Puppy Play and Bite Sessions

    Engage in play sessions daily, 3 to 5 times a day, for 5 to 10 minutes each. Don’t wait for the pup to come to you, especially during their high-energy times in the morning and evening. A common mistake is waiting for the puppy to initiate play, which often leads to biting at inconvenient times and places.

    How Do I Get My Puppy to Have a Softer Mouth and Eventually Stop Biting?

    1. Start with a Toy: Actively engage your pup with a toy. Encourage them to chase and bite the toy. Occasionally, let your finger be in the pup's mouth while playing.

    2. React to Biting Immediately: As soon as you feel pressure from their teeth, express a sharp pain or surprise, like “HEY! That hurts!!!” Follow this by removing the toy or hiding it, perhaps under your shirt. This shows your pup that biting too hard ends the fun.

    3. Pause and Resume: After removing the toy, pause for about 10 to 20 seconds. This break reinforces that biting stops play. Then, encourage your pup to “Try Again” and continue playing, gradually increasing the playtime.

    4. Observe and Repeat: Keep this up during play sessions until you see a significant reduction in your pup's biting pressure and frequency. Remember, puppies start fresh each day, so consistency is key. Within a week, you should notice a marked improvement in their behavior.

    Additional Tips:

    - Emotional Response: Emphasize your emotional change when bitten; act upset or hurt to convey the impact of biting.

    - Diverse Training Tools: Introduce a variety of toys and games to keep training engaging for both you and your puppy.

    - Handling Overstimulation: If your puppy gets too excited and bites more, learn how to gently calm them down.

    - Safety First: Always supervise interactions between puppies and children, and teach kids how to play safely with the puppy.

    - Progress Tracking: Keep a log of your puppy’s biting behavior to monitor improvements and stay motivated.

    Remember, patience and consistent practice are key to teaching your puppy the right way to interact with you and others.


About DaySchool • DeTails and Cost •
8 to 12 weeks.

  • 5-Day Program

    4 Weeks - The Full Experience:
    - 20 sessions of comprehensive training
    - Price: $2,400 + $150 Mandatory Trial Fee + 4 Puppy Socials.

    • 2 Weeks - Intensive Learning:
    - 10 focused sessions for significant growth.
    - Price: $1,200 + $150 Mandatory Day Trial + 2 Puppy Socials

    4-Day Program
    4 Weeks:
    - 16 sessions tailored for consistent progress.
    - Price: $1,920 + $150 Mandatory Day Trial Fee + 3 complimentary Puppy Socials

    3-Day Program - The Essentials
    - 4 Weeks:
    - 12 sessions, perfect for fundamental training and socialization.
    - Price: $1,560 + $150 Mandatory Day Trial Fee + 1 complimentary Puppy Social

    ✍️ Paw here Apply

  • Morning Session

    1. Free Recess (8:00 AM to 9:00 AM)

    - Unstructured playtime for socializing and exploration.

    2. Structured Activities (Starting at 9:00 AM)

    - Obstacle Training: Navigating stairs, tunnels, ramps to develop motor skills.

    - Individual Attention: Desensitization to various items, anti-aggression exercises, crate training.

    3. First Nap Time (Approximately 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM)

    - A mid-morning rest period to help the puppies process the morning's activities and recharge.

    Midday Session

    1. Afternoon Activities (Starting at 12:30 PM)

    - Wake Up and Potty Break: Routine reinforcement.

    - Play and Learning Games: Educational activities in the backyard.

    - Training and Desensitization: Group and individual sessions, focus on bite inhibition ('Ouch, Hey that Hurts').

    2. Clean Up and Household Behavior Training

    - Teaching puppies to tidy up toys and behave around common household items (vacuum cleaners, brooms, etc.).

    3. Second Nap Time (3:30 PM until Pick Up)

    - An afternoon rest period to ensure puppies are well-rested before going home.


    1. End of Day Routine (4:30 PM)

    - Parents arrive, puppies wake up, take a potty break, and prepare to go home.

    Core Benefits

    - The addition of two nap times ensures a balanced day with adequate rest, crucial for a puppy's development and well-being.

    - The schedule is designed to provide a mix of physical activity, skill development, socialization, and relaxation.

    - Each activity, including rest periods, contributes to building resilience and confidence in puppies in a healthy, nurturing, and stimulating environment.

  • What is SmartyPup Day School?

    We pride ourselves on the inclusive and supportive nature of our program, ensuring that the owner is equipped with the knowledge and tools to support their puppy's development.

    SmartyPup! is where puppies thrive. Our innovative indoor-outdoor program is designed to cater to every aspect of your puppy's development.

    We use science-based training techniques with Canine Enrichment principles to create a holistic learning experience. Your puppy will learn essential life skills, develop social etiquette, and build a foundation for a well-behaved future.
    Paw Here To Sign Up

  • ✍️ Paw here Apply

    - 🐾 8.5 to 13 weeks at the start of Puppy Day School.

    - 🎓 A one-day trial is required to assess if SmartyPup! is the right place for you and your puppy.

    - 🏡 In your home for at least 7 days before School begins.

    - 🩺 Be under the care of a local Veterinarian.

    - 💉 Have had at least ONE Parvo, ONE distemper vaccine, and deworming (usually performed at the breeder or rescue) at least seven days before the start of class or as recommended by your Veterinarian.

    - 🔬💩 Proof of Fecal Test Results done around your stafrt date from Veterinarian. Just drop off a sample at the Vet and they can email it to us.

    - 🐶 Pet Insurance.

    ✍️ Paw here Apply

  • Stay connected with your pup's day-to-day adventures! This not only ensures your peace of mind but also allows you to stay connected to your puppy's progress.

    For added safety and reassurance, our SmartyCam feature, available to all enrolled puppies, provides a live feed of your puppy's daily activities. This not only ensures your peace of mind but also allows you to stay connected to your puppy's progress. Careful, it will affect productivity.

  • 🏆 Group Training with Reward-Based Methods: At SmartyPup! DaySchool, puppies participate in group training sessions using reward-based techniques. Our curriculum focuses on critical skills, such as potty training, fostering positive interactions with other puppies and humans, and mastering basic commands.

    😴 Alone Time & Nap Time: Recognizing that puppies sleep over 18 hours daily, we've allocated specific nap times in our schedule. Puppies relax in pristine, cozy crates under the vigilant watch of our staff.

    🎾 Plenty of Play Time: Playtime is an integral facet of SmartyPup! DaySchool. It grants puppies the chance to mingle with their peers, venture into new surroundings, and familiarize themselves with diverse dog breeds and human interactions.

    🌍 Exposure and Handling: We value the significance of early exposure and socialization. Puppies are acquainted with an array of stimuli and are positively reinforced for showcasing desired behavior.

    🤝 Socialization: At SmartyPup! DaySchool, socialization takes precedence. We urge you to accompany your puppy to various locales, introducing them to new environments and individuals in uplifting contexts.

    🚫 Bite Inhibition: Guiding puppies on bite modulation during their formative months is vital. Techniques ranging from vocal exclamations for intense bites to brief timeouts help them grasp this concept.

    ✋ Handling: Regular handling exercises are embedded in our daily routine. We endorse routine checks of your puppy, ensuring a positive association with touch.

    🐕‍🦺 Anti-Jump Training: Puppies' innate jumping tendencies are addressed proactively. Positive reinforcement is given when all four paws remain grounded.

    🔊 Foundation Recall and Name Game Training: A robust recall system is essential for a puppy's safety. Positive reinforcements solidify their response.

    🏠 Crate Training: Crates play a multifaceted role, from designating resting spots to facilitating their movement.

    🌟 Praise and Rewards: The potency of praise and rewards can't be understated. Regularly lauding their achievements reinforces desired behavior.

    🔄 Anti-Aggression Exercises: Object Exchanges, Placement Commands,

    We strive to create a positive and enriching environment for your puppy's growth and development. With our comprehensive program and your active involvement, we aim to nurture well-rounded, confident, and well-behaved adult dogs.




  • A safe and nurturing space for puppies aged 8 to 16 weeks! Our Socials offer a secure and friendly environment where you and your young puppy can interact and socialize with a wide range of puppies and people.

    ✍️Paw Here to Sign Up

    Our dedication to puppy socialization extends beyond just playtime. We focus on creating an atmosphere that promotes trust-building, adaptability to different environments, and resilience in each puppy. This holistic approach ensures your puppy is well on their way to becoming a well-socialized and confident adult dog.

    Before joining the fun, please note:

    Your puppy should have at least one distemper and one parvovirus vaccination, as well as a bordetella vaccination.- For the initial social, puppies need to be under 16 weeks old. However, with Trainer approval, older puppies may join.

    Your puppy should have been with your family for at least 7 days. It's important that your pup is under the care of a local veterinarian and has had their first health check within the past 7 days.

    The puppy socialization period is crucial. Don't miss out on this chance to help your puppy grow into a well-adjusted, sociable adult dog. Register today and witness the joy of wagging tails and happy faces at SmartyPup! Socials!

    ✍️Paw Here to Sign Up

  • We're here to provide healthy interactions, learning opportunities, and a good dose of humor for both you and your companion.

    Our focus is on fostering healthy interactions. While small dogs are often full of energy and playfulness, it's important for them to learn about boundaries and respect personal space. We'll help cultivate respectful behavior, teach the rules of engagement, and ensure responsiveness to directives. And yes, these principles apply to both humans and dogs, fostering a harmonious and mutually beneficial relationship.

    Join us as we explore the nuances of managing and enjoying life with your small dog in a world that seems larger than life to them. Together, we'll enhance mutual understanding and equip you and your pet to navigate any situation with ease and confidence.

    Before joining the fun, please note:

    - Your pup must be under 20 lbs (with a little wiggle room of 1 or 2 pounds).
    - Up to date on vaccinations.
    - Puppies and Dogs of all ages.
    - Must have been in your care for at least 7 days.
    -Under local veterinarian care.- Have at least 1 Distemper, 1 Parvovirus, 1 Bordatella

    Join us and other conscientious new puppy owners’ on a journey of social development. The puppy socialization period is crucial, so don't miss out on this chance to help your puppy grow into a well-adjusted, sociable adult dog. Register today and witness the joy of wagging tails and happy faces at SmartyPup! Socials!

    ✍️Paw Here to Sign Up


Social Skills Are Learned.

Puppies are not born with social skills - they must be developed. SmartyPup! Socials are a place where you and your pup can safely socialize with other puppies and people of all shapes and sizes. If you are waiting for your puppy class to start, waiting for your veterinarian's great outdoor release, or can't seem to get enough puppy play, then puppy socials are the perfect way to give your pup the life experience he needs to become a well-rounded, socially acceptable adult dog.

We keep our SmartyPup! socials under our watchful eyes - Our socials are held in a the cleanest space you could imagine! it is divided into two parts. The younger or more cautious pups get their space we call it the 80’s dance room. Or for the Tarzon pups, the mosh pit. When the more cautious pups are ready they can move to the more confident group - in the mosh pit.

With professional dog trainers monitoring at all times, your pup will learn to enjoy the company of lots of people—especially children, men, strangers—and other dogs of all shapes and sizes. It is called socialization and is something you must proactively guide. A dog with a good temperament is a dream to live with.